After 3 years of litigation, this past week, Perry & Neblett, P.A. was called to trial in front of the Honorable Pedro Echarte. After long hours of preparation to try the case to a jury, Perry & Neblett attended Trial and argued Motions in Limine and other pre-trial motions while the jury was prepared outside of the Court room. Due to favorable pre-trial motions and our preparation of the case, the Defendant decided to present a Confession of Judgment for the full amounts/limits available on the record and in open Court. Although we did not have the opportunity to fully try the case, we are very happy that we were able to obtain such a good recovery for our client – a Consent Judgment in favor of the client for full recovery of damages available.
Although everyone at Perry & Neblett PA assisted with this litigation, preparation and Trial, Britt DeGenarro, Esq., David Avellar Neblett, Esq., and James H. Mahaffey, Esq. lead the charge and tried the case.
Congrats to the team Perry & Neblett and our client!
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